This summer has been one of lots of ups and downs. In mid-July our pastures were under attack by huge platoons of Army worms. The grass was pretty and green and tall and just perfect for the coming hot weeks of the heart of summer - and so was a preferred choice for the moth laying critters that leave their Army brats behind.
We consolidated most of the herd to the very back pastures and hoped the cows would eat faster than the Army worms back there. Up top, Mike and Mr. Brown, my neighbor, sprayed all the pastures with a watered down Sevin Dust. We tried to keep the potency less than recommended, and it worked, those northward trooping worms gasped their last breath with their mouths full of my pretty grass - and no I didn't feel the least bit sorry for them. I highly doubt even the greenest tree hugger would say the Army worm is a 'sentient' creature.
Then in a matter of weeks all that grass we worked to save was drying out and flopping over from lack of rain. So, after two weeks of quarantine in the back pastures, the cows came back to drying grass to munch on. But eventually we did get more rain, about when I started to wonder if I'd have to begin haying the whole of the herd. The grass came back pretty and thick and it looked like I'd have plenty until the fall, even enough to stock pile standing grass through to maybe December. But! The Army worms thought it looked pretty darn good as well.
So they came back! About the 20th of September, they hit the thickest lushest grass first and headed northward eating everything in their path. Fortunately, we caught it pretty quick, sprayed again very lightly, and within about two days they quit wiggling and eating my grass. The poor cows though had to be quarantined for 2 weeks yet again in the back pastures -- and they were none too happy about that!
We finally had to start feeding them hay along about the second week, as you couldn't walk in the pastures, much less drive, without the cows running along with you and begging to be let out. We fed some left over last years hay that was in amazingly good shape, so it is always good to have some hay left over for just such an emergency. We fed the hay in the next pasture over, we call it the Sawmill pasture, as once long ago a local sawmill operated on that land.
As luck would have it, a first calf heifer decided to head back to the very pastures where they'd all begged to leave from (there was still grass, they were just tired of being back there, they are peculiar that way); anyway, Opaltine, an overmarked heifer out of Black Sapphire and Elvis, headed back to those pastures. For hours that evening we searched for her with zero luck. I was comforted by knowing that no buzzards were circling atop the thicket of woods that run through and around these pastures, hoping that meant she was fine wherever she was.
The next morning I called all the cows back to the Sawmill pasture (they'd eaten within two days all of 3 very big bales of hay) for freshly replenished hay, and I think Opaltine must have heard my shrill "Hey Girls" calling. Once the rest of the herd was back on their new hay, I went again in search of Opaltine, and there she was coming out of the woods with her little healthy bull calf trotting along beside her. I was so relieved.
I followed along behind them until Opaltine hit the woods for a shortcut to the next pasture, she was clearly heading for the Sawmill and the hay. Decided all was well, and came on back to the house. I checked back a couple of times for the new calf, but he wasn't around, but Opaltine was, eating like the Elvis daughter she is, non-stop. The last time I checked she was lying down fat as a tick and content, but still without her calf.
So it was off to the woods to track her path and find her calf, as it was now just over 4 hours since I'd watched them trot off into the woods. I finally found him when he stood up and stretched and started checking out just where in the heck he was and wondering no doubt about where his Mom was. I scooted him along, picked him up some, scooted him along some more, until we made it out of the woods to the clearing in the video below.
I had my flip video with me, so thought I'd try to film my handling of him, knowing I'd have to drive him out of there to the next pasture. As a really good example of the gentleness of this breed, you'll see that I pick him up and put him in my lap and drive him on to his dam, while he sits calmly all the while. This particular bull calf, while he doesn't look like he's full of great promise, is still a good example of the low birth weights of my Carter bull, as well as the good markings he can throw. This calf is the son of an overmarked female, out of another overmarked female. He measured 24.5, which is about 50 lbs, and having handled him so much, I'd say no more than 50 lbs for sure.
This was actually the second time I'd tried carrying a calf out of the back in my lap while driving my Ranger. It was after the first round of Army worm quarantine, and another calf had been born a few days before it was time to move them back up. In desperation, and pretty much holding my breath with hope, I'd picked that calf up, and it was a good three days old then, and perched her in my lap and we drove across two pastures, her staying quite calm all the while -- and miracle of miracles, she didn't even poop on me!
While you might think that perhaps Opaltine is not a good mother, keep in mind she was a first calf heifer, and apparently a hungry one, and no doubt she'd have gone back to where she felt she had snugly and safely left her calf. But, coyotes are so bad here now, and these calves so docile, that it is simply not safe to let them stay in the snug spots their Mom's think they've left them in. As of this past week, I've lost at least 6 grown cats, beautiful calicoes, and one awesome yellow tom - to coyotes. Buzzards have multiplied as well, and I lost one calf this summer the morning it was born by swift attack by buzzards, so we keep a close eye on the newborns.
Outstanding grassfed herd of British White Cattle bred for Feed Efficiency, Carcass, and Disposition for Multiple Generations.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
British White Cattle and Grass Fed Beef in Carmine, Texas
UPDATE 5/5/11: Doughboy is now offered for sale due to unforeseen circumstances, please visit the bull sale page for current information on Doughboy. He is a fine herd bull looking for new pastures.
He is pictured here at pasture, and I was truly amazed to see the incredible growth of Doughboy. This photo is from July 2010, so he is just over 3 years old and is now about completed his frame growth, though I expect over the next two years they will see him get even thicker and more muscular. He has very good length of body and you can see the musculature of his sire very evident.
From the moment he was born and throughout his growing months, he stayed fat and rounded and muscular, hence his naming of Doughboy. Doughboy's dam is J.West's Elsie Edna, a Huck Finn daughter, and one of the two best Huck Finn daughters I've ever raised. This photo is of Doughboy in May 2008 at 12 months old, looking very well and definitely showing his potential for a herd sire that will pack lots of easy-keeping muscle - but clearly on a quite moderate frame.
The Dietz-Klein's had their first calf born this past July, it seems Doughboy went right to work on his new job as herd sire, and clearly had no difficulty breeding cows a couple frame scores taller than himself. The young calf pictured here at left above is presented with great British White color on his black Maine Anjou/Angus cross dam, so kudos to Doughboy for throwing good color. And the next photo is a one day old Doughboy calf from J.West's Adrianna (a daughter of King Cole), and what a pretty picture that is. So far it looks like Doughboy is going to throw nice color and very moderate birthweights.
It has been much too long since I've written a blog, and have decided to get back in the swing of things with the following photos sent to me from Patrick and Valerie Dietz-Klein, British White breeders in Carmine, Texas. Just over a year ago, in September of 2009, they purchased J.West's Doughboy, an El Presidente son like none other, born April 2007. The Dietz-Klein's are pursuing a grass fed cattle operation with the goal of direct selling grass feed beef. Doughboy seems a very nice fit for accomplishing that goal, packing a lot of meat on a very feed efficient frame as well as genetics.
He is pictured here at pasture, and I was truly amazed to see the incredible growth of Doughboy. This photo is from July 2010, so he is just over 3 years old and is now about completed his frame growth, though I expect over the next two years they will see him get even thicker and more muscular. He has very good length of body and you can see the musculature of his sire very evident.
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J.West's Doughboy, Pictured as a Yearling |
From the moment he was born and throughout his growing months, he stayed fat and rounded and muscular, hence his naming of Doughboy. Doughboy's dam is J.West's Elsie Edna, a Huck Finn daughter, and one of the two best Huck Finn daughters I've ever raised. This photo is of Doughboy in May 2008 at 12 months old, looking very well and definitely showing his potential for a herd sire that will pack lots of easy-keeping muscle - but clearly on a quite moderate frame.
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J.West's Adrianna with Doughboy sired Calf |
Main-Anjou Cow with Doughboy sired British White Calf |
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J.West's Bountiful 04 and Doughboy Sired Bull Calf |
It is now October, and Doughboy has put ten calves on the ground, including their first "grandbaby", so check for more photos and additional information on these new additions to the Dietz-Klein herd of British White cattle.
Update: This last photo is J.West's Bountiful 04, an overmarked American Fullblood British White cow, sired by DFTX 'Doc' Watson, and whose dam, HRH Bountiful, is still a working cow in my herd. Here she has a brand new Doughboy sired bull calf at foot, and clearly Doughboy is throwing very nice standard color on both commercial black females and overmarked British White females, such as Bountiful.
See updated photos of this calf in my March 3, 2011 blog post.
See updated photos of this calf in my March 3, 2011 blog post.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010
The Wild White Cattle of Cadzow and Chartley - A 1903 New Zealander's Report
What follows is an article from 1903 reporting on the status of the "wild white cattle" of the United Kingdom. It should be noted that neither herd, nor the breed in general, is referred to as being either horned or polled. It is however well documented that both horned and polled 'wild white cattle' were in these old herds. In 1918 the Park Cattle Society was formed, and a registry inclusive of both horned and polled Park Cattle was established and maintained until 1946. And of course the quite 'wild' notion that the wild white cattle were descended from the Urus, a speculative fiction perpetuated by the Chillingham's for hundreds of years, was very much still alive and well -- but clearly found somewhat of an amusing notion.
1835 Elegant engraved image titled, "The White Uru or Hamilton (Cadzow) Breed of Wild Cattle."
NOTE: In this 1835 image you see both a horned example of the Park cattle breed, along with a Polled example of the breed; as well, the young calf is what we consider to be under-marked today.
Wild White Cattle.
Otago Witness , 1903
"In view of the fact that only a few specimens of the original wild white cattle which at one time roamed the forest solitudes of these countries are now left in the United Kingdom, it is regrettable to learn that the herd of those animal's which has been in existence for many years past at Chartley is threatened, with extinction. Some years ago, owing to an outbreak of rinderpest, the herd of these wild white cattle kept by the Duke of Hamilton at Cadzow (see 1835 print below) was reduced to less than a dozen, but, thanks to the adoption of special measures to facilitate breeding operations among them, tho stock again multiplied steadily until the herd once, more reached its original dimensions. The rapidity with which the Cadzow herd recovered itself in that crisis is rendered specially interesting at the present juncture because of the corresponding position into which the herd at Chartley Castle has fallen.
Some time ago a number of the animals in this herd were found suffering from a destructive disease, and before the progress of the malady could be arrested a good many fatal cases had occurred. According to the latest reports the total number of wild cattle at Chartley at the present time falls short of a dozen; it is therefore to be hoped that, as in the case of the Cadzow Park cattle, such steps will be taken as will prevent the extinction of the herd, and the consequent disappearance of one of the most interesting links between the present and the past of stock-breeding in these countries.
The origin of these and the other wild cattle left in England and Scotland has been much speculated upon, but no very definite conclusion has ever been reached. They are small in size, and there is little to encourage the belief that they are the descendants of the great Urus that was once plentiful enough in this part of the world. But, whatevertheir lineage, it would be unfortunate if they were allowed to die out, and with them so many interesting associations.
Apropos of these wild white cattle, it is interesting to learn that in browsing on what may be described as their native wilds, they always keep close together, never scattering or straggling, apeculiarity which does not belong to any domesticated cattle. The wild cows are also remarkable for their systematic manner of feeding. At different periods of the year their tactics are different, but by those acquainted with their habits they are always found about the same part of the forest at the same hour of the day. In the height of summer they always bivouac for the night towards the northern extremity of their confines; from this point they start in the morning and browse to tho southern extremity, and return at sunset to their old rendezvous, always feeding close together."
1835 Elegant engraved image titled, "The White Uru or Hamilton (Cadzow) Breed of Wild Cattle."
NOTE: In this 1835 image you see both a horned example of the Park cattle breed, along with a Polled example of the breed; as well, the young calf is what we consider to be under-marked today.
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Growth Pattern of Bulls - When are they 'Fully Matured'? At what age do they express their muscling potential?
I always enjoy calls that come from folks interested in learning more about the British White breed. Oftentimes, the questions asked of me leave me pondering the question to myself of how I can better answer those questions next time around. Recently, the question/observation was posed that full muscle expression in bulls wouldn't generally show itself until they were further on the road to maturity. I was hesitant in that regard, as my first thought was that by yearling age the muscling attributes of a bull should be well visible. I found myself looking back through photos of various bulls, particularly the ones that I've seen grow to maturity myself or via photographs, which really amounts to just a handful of bulls.

That said, without a doubt as the bull matures that muscle expressed in youth continues to increase tremendously as the years pass -- but the basic structure, the basic muscle expression remains the same. What follows are some photos of my senior herd bull, J.West's Elvis. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to locate calf photos of him, I didn't take as many pictures back then and didn't have the benefit of a digital camera. Nonetheless, from the time he was born, he was quite a distinctively made and handsome youngster; thus the name Elvis that was given him.
I've also included the different weights taken on Elvis over the years, which illustrate quite well for me the transformation of my good-natured, short and chunky, handsome bull calf into the mature and hefty Frame Score 2/3 herd bull he is today. Elvis' hip height measure was taken by Gerald Fry when Elvis was just over 48 months of age and he stood 51" over his hook bones. This puts Elvis at somewhere between a Frame Score 2 and Frame Score 3, depending on charting sources.
J.West's Elvis was born March 10, 2003, with a recorded birth weight of 76 lbs. using a taped chest measure. It's possible it was lower, as I didn't hold the tape snugly back then as is recommended for the best weight estimate. Elvis was weaned in fall of 2003 with an actual wean weight of 438 lbs on the 28th of November. His dam, Halliburton Adios, a Popeye daughter, weighed 846 lbs on that same day and she was almost exactly 3 years old. Elvis was her second calf.
My next actual weight on Elvis was Feb. 16, 2005, at 23 months old, and he had reached 980 lbs., a gain of about 40 lbs. a month, and not bad with zero grain concentrates that winter. The photos below were taken in May of 2005 when Elvis was about 26 months old. He was fully expressing his muscling - but still had much, much growing ahead of him.
Unfortunately, I don't have another recorded weight on Elvis until May 15, 2008. At 5 years of age he had reached a weight of 1715 lbs. The next weight recorded was on December 18, 2009, at what I'm sure is his peak mature weight of 1785 lbs. He is pictured below at about this same time. And if you compare the photo below and the one above, the muscle expression is very much the same, just extraordinarily increased.
The growth of Elvis from a 2 year old to his 6th year can better seen in this March 2009 video of Elvis below. He does seem to have expressed more muscling with age, he is almost twice as heavy, but he has also laid on a lot of fat at this stage, which can add to perceived muscling in most mature bulls. In Elvis's case, there is definitely muscle defining him in every way, with the fat cover adding to his natural gifts, although he has lost that bloom of youth and the sharpness of his muscling - I think he perhaps should have to work a bit harder! Elvis is a 100% grassfed bull, he has high genetic Feed Efficiency, and there's never been a day when he was not well fit.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
A British White Breeder in Texas Breaking New Ground in Grassfed Beef
The Gold Standard in grass fed beef these days is acquiring certification from both the American Grassfed Association and Animal Welfare Approved. Here in Texas we have a British White breeder who has achieved both certifications -- the Lazy A Ranch in Bellville, Texas, owned and operated by Margot and Bill Heard. The Lazy A Ranch was established by the Allen (Buddy) and Ethel Carruth family, and was almost 1000 acres at one time. A herd of Santa Gertrudis cows remains with the original brand.
Margot Heard has a vision, and she has the steadfastness to work toward that vision of providing excellence in healthy grassfed beef for the Houston market. The Lazy A Ranch in Bellville has had Santa Gertrudis cattle running on its grasslands for many years, Buddy Carruth began showing Santa Gertrudis cattle in 1953 at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The descendants of Buddy Carruth's fine cattle still graze the pastures of the Lazy A in Bellville. But along with this King Ranch developed breed, Santa Gertrudis, that have a healthy dose of old Shorthorn genetics running through their veins -- the Lazy A is now home to a growing herd of British White cattle.
Margot has her first crop of Santa Gertrudis/British White cross calves on the ground this spring, and a growthier, healthier bunch of calves you can hardly find for many long Texas miles distant. The Heard's chose to use British White bulls on the Santa Gertrudis herd that they obligingly purchased along with the ranch that the cows have for many generations called home. Their breed of choice for the long term is British White, the ancient polled Park Cattle of the British Isles; but in the meantime, they are working with their Santa Gertrudis females within the BWCAA breed-up program, along with running a good sized starter herd of British White cows.
The photos you see here are from a visit to the Lazy A this past May. Were it not for my elderly dog having a really bad day, I would have much more and no doubt better shots of Margot's spring calves! But Fred was a real needy old guy that afternoon, and it is quite a trick to take video, much less still shots, clutching a shrillingly whiny old fart like my Fred can be. But I digress! It was a beautiful herd of healthy and fit cattle with many cross bred calves at foot, and the photos here were pulled as stills from my flip video camera.
What has intrigued Margot, and most certainly myself as well, is the very large percentage of British White cross calves that bear quite classic British White markings. Having crossed with black Angus many years ago, I'd say that about 60% of all my cross bred calves were typical milk white with black point calves, and the remainder were line-backed.
In Margot's herd, there is a predominance, approaching likely 90%, that are classic British White marked calves, as well as some with red points, despite using British White bulls with black points. Margot is interested in exploring the genetic relationship of her Gert/BW cross calves via their Shorthorn history, given the large numbers of cross-bred calves exhibiting British White color and markings. It is a clearly accepted fact in historical documents that the Shorthorn was developed long ago from the polled Park Cattle of the time, or what is known today as British White.
Margot was running a young British White bull, Aries (pictured left), with the Gerts for several weeks, not really anticipating that he was in any way big enough to really take care of the job, and anxiously looking about for a respectable British White bull of maturity. Well, she was instead surprised to find this Spring that her young, and even today quite moderately short of frame, Aries, had done his darnedest, and his darnedest was pretty good. (See photo above right for an Aries sired calf.) She has several calves sired by Aries, and they are very thick growthy calves that catch one's eye. If I weren't juggling too many herd bulls right now, I'd have packed Aries home with me in the blink of time it takes for a determined bull to lay down a fence and proceed! Aries is now offered for sale by the Lazy A, so give Margot a call for more details on this quite fine young bull.
The next set of calves Margot had this spring were sired by Tyson, pictured left, a British White bull with excellence in Tenderness genes quite hard to find, having 5 of the 6 known genetic markers for Tenderness. Tyson is about a Frame Score 5 British White bull, and that's just a guess, not having actually measured him in a while, and he of course settled the remainder of the Gerts in short order. The calves from Tyson were younger than Aries, but certainly exhibited very good confirmation and color, and they are all the napping younger ones in the photos included here. I'll look forward to hearing from Margot how all the calves grow off between now and weaning time in the fall. The photo below is one of the very few Tyson sired bull calves that have been born. This bull, Tag #40, is out of a Popeye daughter, and has shown outstanding growth this spring. Tyson, like his sire, J.West's King Cole, has a tendency to throw mostly heifers.
Tyson is a maternal half brother to my original herd bull, DFTX Watson, always fondly called just 'Doc' by myself and his original owner, Bob Stanley, a very fine and honest man who passed away a few years back. Tyson has much of Doc's incredibly gentle nature, but at the same time he has more stature than Doc, coming from his paternal grandsire Halliburton Colonel and paternal granddam HRH Arlene. Three of Arlene's daughters are foundation females in my herd today. Look for Margot to have some very nice British White females sired by Tyson and perpetuating his clean confirmation and Tenderness genes.
The Lazy A Ranch in Bellville has laid the ground work for producing and marketing grass fed beef. As a fellow British White breeder, I am gladdened by her efforts and hopeful for the future of our very gentle, beautiful, and immortalized breed. The carcass qualities of the British White breed have been enjoyed by the select few for many centuries, being for long periods of history the purview only of wealthy landed gentry in the United Kingdom. As well, old legend has it that the coining of the word sirloin resulted from King Henry enjoying the loin (or surlonge, the French word meaning 'over the loin') of the ancient Park Cattle of the British Isles -- and dubbing it Sir Loin.
The Lazy A Ranch is now working in Texas to see the sirloin and more of the British White breed on the dinner tables of many who choose to serve their families a healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly beef product. Visit the Lazy A Ranch web site for contact information and availability of authentic grass fed beef.
As well, the Lazy A Ranch has British White bulls and females periodically available for purchase. You can be sure that the British White cattle available from the Lazy A are in excellent health and are from the best British White genetics available. To see the cattle available from the Lazy A, visit this link, or visit the web site of the Lazy A Ranch for contact information. Pictured below is a very fine Santa Gertrudis mama cow peering under the Huisache tree, and it is her young red-eared heifer calf pictured above that she is sternly protecting.
Margot Heard has a vision, and she has the steadfastness to work toward that vision of providing excellence in healthy grassfed beef for the Houston market. The Lazy A Ranch in Bellville has had Santa Gertrudis cattle running on its grasslands for many years, Buddy Carruth began showing Santa Gertrudis cattle in 1953 at the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo. The descendants of Buddy Carruth's fine cattle still graze the pastures of the Lazy A in Bellville. But along with this King Ranch developed breed, Santa Gertrudis, that have a healthy dose of old Shorthorn genetics running through their veins -- the Lazy A is now home to a growing herd of British White cattle.
Margot has her first crop of Santa Gertrudis/British White cross calves on the ground this spring, and a growthier, healthier bunch of calves you can hardly find for many long Texas miles distant. The Heard's chose to use British White bulls on the Santa Gertrudis herd that they obligingly purchased along with the ranch that the cows have for many generations called home. Their breed of choice for the long term is British White, the ancient polled Park Cattle of the British Isles; but in the meantime, they are working with their Santa Gertrudis females within the BWCAA breed-up program, along with running a good sized starter herd of British White cows.
The photos you see here are from a visit to the Lazy A this past May. Were it not for my elderly dog having a really bad day, I would have much more and no doubt better shots of Margot's spring calves! But Fred was a real needy old guy that afternoon, and it is quite a trick to take video, much less still shots, clutching a shrillingly whiny old fart like my Fred can be. But I digress! It was a beautiful herd of healthy and fit cattle with many cross bred calves at foot, and the photos here were pulled as stills from my flip video camera.
What has intrigued Margot, and most certainly myself as well, is the very large percentage of British White cross calves that bear quite classic British White markings. Having crossed with black Angus many years ago, I'd say that about 60% of all my cross bred calves were typical milk white with black point calves, and the remainder were line-backed.
In Margot's herd, there is a predominance, approaching likely 90%, that are classic British White marked calves, as well as some with red points, despite using British White bulls with black points. Margot is interested in exploring the genetic relationship of her Gert/BW cross calves via their Shorthorn history, given the large numbers of cross-bred calves exhibiting British White color and markings. It is a clearly accepted fact in historical documents that the Shorthorn was developed long ago from the polled Park Cattle of the time, or what is known today as British White.
Margot was running a young British White bull, Aries (pictured left), with the Gerts for several weeks, not really anticipating that he was in any way big enough to really take care of the job, and anxiously looking about for a respectable British White bull of maturity. Well, she was instead surprised to find this Spring that her young, and even today quite moderately short of frame, Aries, had done his darnedest, and his darnedest was pretty good. (See photo above right for an Aries sired calf.) She has several calves sired by Aries, and they are very thick growthy calves that catch one's eye. If I weren't juggling too many herd bulls right now, I'd have packed Aries home with me in the blink of time it takes for a determined bull to lay down a fence and proceed! Aries is now offered for sale by the Lazy A, so give Margot a call for more details on this quite fine young bull.
The next set of calves Margot had this spring were sired by Tyson, pictured left, a British White bull with excellence in Tenderness genes quite hard to find, having 5 of the 6 known genetic markers for Tenderness. Tyson is about a Frame Score 5 British White bull, and that's just a guess, not having actually measured him in a while, and he of course settled the remainder of the Gerts in short order. The calves from Tyson were younger than Aries, but certainly exhibited very good confirmation and color, and they are all the napping younger ones in the photos included here. I'll look forward to hearing from Margot how all the calves grow off between now and weaning time in the fall. The photo below is one of the very few Tyson sired bull calves that have been born. This bull, Tag #40, is out of a Popeye daughter, and has shown outstanding growth this spring. Tyson, like his sire, J.West's King Cole, has a tendency to throw mostly heifers.
Tyson is a maternal half brother to my original herd bull, DFTX Watson, always fondly called just 'Doc' by myself and his original owner, Bob Stanley, a very fine and honest man who passed away a few years back. Tyson has much of Doc's incredibly gentle nature, but at the same time he has more stature than Doc, coming from his paternal grandsire Halliburton Colonel and paternal granddam HRH Arlene. Three of Arlene's daughters are foundation females in my herd today. Look for Margot to have some very nice British White females sired by Tyson and perpetuating his clean confirmation and Tenderness genes.
The Lazy A Ranch in Bellville has laid the ground work for producing and marketing grass fed beef. As a fellow British White breeder, I am gladdened by her efforts and hopeful for the future of our very gentle, beautiful, and immortalized breed. The carcass qualities of the British White breed have been enjoyed by the select few for many centuries, being for long periods of history the purview only of wealthy landed gentry in the United Kingdom. As well, old legend has it that the coining of the word sirloin resulted from King Henry enjoying the loin (or surlonge, the French word meaning 'over the loin') of the ancient Park Cattle of the British Isles -- and dubbing it Sir Loin.
The Lazy A Ranch is now working in Texas to see the sirloin and more of the British White breed on the dinner tables of many who choose to serve their families a healthy, safe, and environmentally friendly beef product. Visit the Lazy A Ranch web site for contact information and availability of authentic grass fed beef.
As well, the Lazy A Ranch has British White bulls and females periodically available for purchase. You can be sure that the British White cattle available from the Lazy A are in excellent health and are from the best British White genetics available. To see the cattle available from the Lazy A, visit this link, or visit the web site of the Lazy A Ranch for contact information. Pictured below is a very fine Santa Gertrudis mama cow peering under the Huisache tree, and it is her young red-eared heifer calf pictured above that she is sternly protecting.
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