Colonel Beau's dam, Maude Rae, is the product of Huck Finn and a large deep-bodied British White female, CRAE 215G, pictured below. CRae is a cow of unsurpassed fertility and longevity, outstanding udder, and so much more, she was born in June 1992, and she remains a working female in a British White herd in Texas today at 17 years of age.
Beau's sire, J.West's El Presidente, is a Frame Score 2 bull of great masculinity and fertility. El Presidente's mature weight is 1650 lbs packed on his short frame, weight taken October 16, 2009.

Colonel Beau shows lots of potential as being the best El Presidente sired bull on the ground today. Many thanks to Al and Dalene Ross of Red Rock, Texas for sharing this photo with me, and my apologies for the delay in thanking you for sharing.